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1.       You and your partners must select a project (a game, a song, a skit or a craft).

2.       Each partner will research two different Winter Holidays from the following list: Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, New Years, First Snowstorm, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, St. Lucia Day, St. Nicholas Day,

3.       Each partner will write down TWO FACTS about EACH HOLIDAY researched.

4.       Each partner will read their facts to the others.

5.       Together you will brainstorm ideas for your project.

6.       The jobs will be divided up: Student 1 will write down researched facts and brainstormed ideas; Student 2 will gather all necessary supplies; Student 3 and 4 will make up the game, song, skit, or craft using the information and ideas you all discovered.

7.       Together you will put it all together: play the game, sing the song, act out the skit or create the craft.

(I might even photocopy all the project ideas into a booklet; make copies and let each student take one home to share with his or her family this holiday season)